Quickie from Wales
This will be mostly pics and I'll explain 'em later. All's well here in Wales. Rain cleared out and I got to ride down the road a bit to a town who's name I'd butcher if I had to spell it! Here's some pics from the Mountain Mayhem race, London, and riding from today. Enjoy!
Here's a statue of Achilles in Green Park, London. The sky was perfect for capturing this picture so I couldn't pass it up.
Big Ben and the Pink Turtle. Again, couldn't pass this up.
Me with Hans Rey, mountain bike trials rider extraordinaire. This guy's been around for years and is a legend of the sport.
The toilet shot. I had no idea the guy that took this had the toilets in the background, but this was taken right after I finished my last lap at the Mtn Mayhem.
The Kenda UK boys must be rednecks! I almost felt at home when I saw this.
Eastnor Castle looking down on the race camp.
Patrick Adams greeting finishers and thanking them for coming to play at his little gig.
Here's what the crankset looked like following my last lap. Look at that mud! but notice how clean that chain is.....BIG thanks to ProLink chain lube, made right here in Atlanta, GA.
Cymmer Abbey, near Dogylleau, Wales
Riding The Beginning of the End trail, Coed y Brenin forest, Wales.