Thursday, August 23, 2007


Dean recommended that I come to the 13 Hours of Santos on Labor Day weekend….well Dean, you’ve got a race my man! I’d already planned to come over for it and I’ve been planning a few races for September. Since I missed the Granny Gear race at Conyers in May due to my deployment, I was really hoping to catch the Dirty Spokes Productions 6 hour race on 08SEP since I won’t support Stu-Rat. Well, I found out today that the Dirty Spokes gang is only running the Steeplechase side of the Conyers course so I’m reevaluating my attendance there. I’m not interested in racing Conyers unless I can race the full course. Right now, it’s looking like my coming month looks like this:

02SEP: 13 Hours of Santos
22SEP: 12 Hours of Dausset
29SEP: Double Dare in Pisgah (tentative)
06OCT: Santa Rose Tri
TBD: Three Shaker 12 hour

Yes, I said those scary three letters together….T-R-I. The Santa Rosa is a sprint – 500m open water swim, 12.5 mile bike, and a 5k run. I’ve been swimming twice a week, running two to three times, and riding some road and mountain. As my time in Florida continues, I’ll be doing some climbing at Wetherford’s, about 3 min from the house. I’m looking to find a sea kayak so I can drop it in the water on a Sunday afternoon and go catch some rays on the water! I guess what I’m trying to say is that in order to avoid boredom in the flatlands, I plan to keep the workouts mixed up.

I’ve had a lot of folks ask me how I’m doing in Pensacola. Well, I’ve not had much time to get out and find my favorite new hangouts or really get to know the area as work has kept us pretty busy. I’ve gotten into a new apartment, we’re getting the office trailer set up next week, and are pretty much spending our time taking care of some of the upfront paperwork needed to get a new construction project up and running. Overall things are going fine but it still ain’t home. I’ve been home at my house in Marietta, GA about 8 weeks this year. Mollie, my dog, is doing well considering she’s been bounced about quite a bit. She’s settling into Florida nicely, especially with her new haircut – I need to keep her trimmed down in this climate!

So that’s it for now. Sorry for the delayed entry but as I’ve said, getting settled in has been a chore. I hope you’re all doing well and Dean, I’ll see next weekend friend! Drop me an email so we can meet up (